Our Office Will Be Closed Thursday Sept. 12 Until 1pm. 256 FM 2449 Ponder, TX 76259 |
Screening Tests and Diagnostics
Our pets can't tell us when something doesn't feel right, and often will actively mask any signs of illness until it is advanced. Below is a sample of diagnostic testing we offer and the benefits of each.
Parasite Screening
Heartworm testAn annual heartworm test is necessary for all dogs. Prevention is not 100% effective, dogs that live only indoors can still be bitten by mosquitos and become infected, and heartworm infections are not apparent on physical exams until the condition is advanced and the pet is in heart failure.
Fecal Parasite ScreenYour pet will be screened for intestinal parasites at each new pet visit, puppy/kitten visit, annual visit, and when your pet is sick or having diarrhea. Some parasites can also be spread to humans, especially children or those who are immune-compromised, so early detection and treatment are critical to your whole family's health.
Comprehensive Blood Work
Blood Cell CountsBlood cell counts are necessary prior to surgeries to ensure your pet's safety for the procedure. A pet that is already anemic (not enough red blood cells) may need a blood transfusion first. A high white blood cell count can indicate infection and the need for antibiotics as part of your pet's treatment plan.
Chemistry (Organ function test)Older pets are at a higher risk of organ dysfunction, such as liver or kidney disease. Since these organs are responsible for processing anesthetic medications, it is critical that everything be in good working order before your doctor can safely do a surgery or dental cleaning for your pet.
Urine Screen
Urinalysis Dip-StickScreens for abnormalities in the urine that may indicate infection, kidney disease, or diabetes (among others) A single sample and test evaluates multiple parameters of your pet's health.
Urine Specific GravityMore info coming soon
TopicMore info coming soon
Use the age chart below to find your pets age in "people" years and the screening testing recommended for each stage of his or her life. We believe the following tests give us the best chance of helping your pet's live longer, healthier lives. These are approximations and may vary by gender, species and breed.